Monthly Archives: January 2014

DECC Fracking consultation – have your say while you can!!

Below are my rather hurried of the cuff remarks – I simply haven’t time to do a thorough job on it at the moment – but feel free to plunder my fuller report that I prepared for Welsh Government some time ago on behalf of Frack-Free Wales:
A shorter synopsis of this report is found here:

1   Do you think that the Environmental Report has identified the significant environmental effects of the activities that follow the licensing round? If not, what other significant effects do you think we have missed, and why?
Fundamental underestimation of potential scale of the industry for starters, given experiences in other production areas.
Lack of consideration of impacts of VOCs from various sources in the processes.
Lack off any significant consideration of the impact of chemicals known to be used in fracking on human health and biodiversity
No consideration of the silicosis danger for workers (in particular) from the type of sand preferred by the industry as a prop pant.
Astonishing misrepresentation of the threat of well-integrity being lost and the implications this has for fugitive methane emissions and groundwater contamination.
Failure to comprehend that the seismicity issue is not confined to surface impacts – but far more certainly on said well-integrity, which can be compromised by seismicity well under the 3.0 threshold
There is also no consideration of the full range of significant negative population impacts in terms of jobs lost (especially in leisure/tourism and agriculture; impacts on property values; the transient nature of the jobs associated with the fracking process etc.


2    Do you agree with the conclusions of the report and the recommendations for avoiding, reducing or off-setting significant effects of the activities that follow the licensing round? If not, what do you think should be the key recommendations and why?

There is no acknowledgement that this activity id fundamentally different to all previous onshore oil & gas exploitation and that it needs a bespoke set of strict regulations and the resources to impose them. The whole issue of accountability needs addressing – as currently companies can split themselves up into smaller units and get operators off the hook by simply going bankrupt and disappearing of the face of the earth. Directors need to accept criminal liability and personal sanctions in return for the massive incomes they take.

3   Do you agree with the proposed arrangements for monitoring significant of the activities that follow the licensing round, detailed in the Environmental Report? If not, what measures do you propose?

These are, quite frankly, pathetic – relying far too often on the operators to self-monitor and self regulate.For example, frack fluids can aviary at every site and each consecutive farce you at each site. Some will be mild, some will be highly toxic cocktails. Operator disclosure is not enough. Every single frack job at every single site needs sampling and analysing. This would be a massive undertaking – but anything less is inadequate and will be subject to abuse.

Worldview spotlight on South Wales fractivists – Frances and Andy

Denis Campbell continues to follow us and shine his spotlight on the work and travails of South Wales fractivists. Much appreciated Denis – keep up the good work!

Frances Jenkins – founder of Frack Free Wales – on the Balcombe 16 trial experience:


Plus, Andy Chyba talking about his withdrawal from the MEP elections, governments fracking big lies, and the likely impact of the balcombe 16 trial verdict:

Agenda – Bridgend Green Party Meeting 23rd January

7.00pm Thursday 23rd January 2014 at theThe Railway PH at the bottom of Station Hill
ALL WELCOME (Especially new members!)


  1. Welcome and Introductions
  2. Apologies for Absence
  3. Minutes and matters arising
  4. Officers’ reports (Andy/John/Neil)
  5. Councillor feedback (Kathy)
  6. Elections – Target ward /Euro campaign/BGP AGM (Feb)
  7. Campaigns update – Fracking (Andy/Rozz); PAAA (Andy/John); Bridgend Against the Bedroom Tax (John/Trish/Andy/Gareth); free solar energy (Andy).
  8. AOB
  9. DoNM

REMINDER – If anyone needs a lift to any of our meetings, let Andy know (greens) and we will organise it for you.

2013 Bridgend Green Party blog review from WordPress

The stats helper monkeys prepared a 2013 annual report for this blog.

Here’s an excerpt:

The concert hall at the Sydney Opera House holds 2,700 people. This blog was viewed about 22,000 times in 2013. If it were a concert at Sydney Opera House, it would take about 8 sold-out performances for that many people to see it.

Click here to see the complete report.

Spring Conference 2014

Dear Bridgend Members,

Please see details of Spring Conference below. This will be the first time for quite a few years that I will not be attending. I would recommend it to committed members as it is your most direct means of influencing Party policy and there is plenty of interest to most of you going on, I am sure.

Belated best wishes for the New Year.

Andy Chyba
Chair Bridgend Green Party

PS The first meeting of the New Year will be on Thursday 23rd January, usual time and place.

Dear Local Party contact,

Green Party Spring Conference this year will be held at the beautiful St George’s Hall in Liverpool from Friday 28 February to Monday 3 March.

We would be very grateful if you could pass this information on to your local members via newsletters, websites, emails, meetings, etc.

Please find attached an outline timetable. A more detailed timetable will be available from the beginning of February on the conference
And will include panel debates on Saving the NHS, Austerity in Europe, and the Struggle for Education.

The agenda of motions for discussion can be found on the members’ website.

· Bookings can be made online via the website. Early bird booking deadline is 14 February, but you can book up to the conference and even on the day itself.
· Hardship Fund that can be accessed by those who could not otherwise afford to attend.
· Free Creche
· 50% off national express coach travel for GP members
· Crash space available at £5 per night, as well as £10 B&B with local members (limited places)

Details of all this and more on the conference

Thanks and best wishes,

Louisa Greenbaum
Conferences Co-ordinator
The Green Party

Spring Conference 2014
28 Feb – 3 Mar, St George’s Hall, Liverpool
