Monthly Archives: October 2012

Woman’s Hour Power List

The BBC are compiling a list of the 100 most powerful women in the UK. Who are the movers and shakers who shape the way we live today? Which women have the greatest impact on British politics, society, culture and the economy?

Tell them who you’d like to see on the Woman’s Hour Power List. Find out more here:

Vote for Caroline Lucas (MP), Natalie Bennett (Leader) and Jean Lambert (MEP) on BBC Radio 4 Womans hour please. VOTE! VOTE! VOTE!

Fracking in Wales – Public Meeting – Wrexham – Thursday

Jill Evans, Plaid Cymru MEP, Gareth Clubb of Friends of the Earth Cymru and others speaking about the dangers of fracking, hydraulic fracturing to exploit shale gas. This has caused minor tremors by Blackpool and contaminated ground water in the USA. Test drilling has already started near Wrexham.

Apologies for the short notice. Please pass on to anyone who may be able to support this event.

More details here:

GET FRACTIOUS demo – 1st December – London

On1st December – organised by our friends at the Campaign Against Climate Change.

Hopefully we can get a good size delegation from South Wales together!

12 noon Assemble at Grosvenor Square
(or Parliament if Romney wins the US election – see below)

1.00-1.30: Building pipeline, speakers on tar sands and the US
1.30-3.30: March to parliament
3.30-4.30: Building fracking rig, speeches
After-party from 5.00 PM venue tba

Saturday 1st December – midway through the Qatar Climate Talks – COP 18


An e-card to send around to your friends and contacts is here.

Peace Pledge Union’s white poppy project

Each year PPU’s white poppies project challenges the war-condoning values of embedded in many traditional remembrance ceremonies.The red poppy symbol was first used in France to raise funds for children orphaned during the 1914-18 war and was quickly taken over to raise funds for the very people engaged in that war. The white poppy began as a message, mostly from women, many of whom were mothers, sisters, widows and sweethearts of men killed in the First World War. They, like many others, began to feel with the rising domestic and international tensions that the war to end all wars, in which their men had been maimed, killed or languished in prison for refusing to fight, would be followed by an even worse war.

Today, the international white poppy project asks us to remember all the victims of war; the innocent civilans, of all ages, as well as the servicemen.

Andy Chyba has a small supply of the PPU white poppies available, or you can order some here, to share with like minded people:

Verse & Vine – readings and sippings!

I am privileged to report that Robert has invited me to read from my book, The Asylum of the Universe. will read an abridged version of one chapter.

Verse and Vine (November 2nd at The Green Room [above SUSSED])

DateWed, October 24, 2012 at 1:54 PM

The Ecosocialist Tabloid – Issue No1

Green Left members have just put together a free tabloid which was distributed at the anti-austerity demo in London yesterday, to very favourable reactions by all accounts




There are plans to make this a fairly regular production (quarterly perhaps), if we can keep funding it, but this first edition could well become a collectors item.

You can see an online version here:

It may surprise you to hear that I had very little to with the anti-fracking piece on this occasion, but I have a half page piece offering some financial advice on pg. 9 (which may amuse some of you).

I have a very limited supply of the printed version which I will make available on a first come, first served basis to those that come to the meeting on Thursday (see notice below), so long as you promise to encourage as many people as possible to read it!


Bridgend Green Party Meeting Agenda – Thursday 25th October

Bridgend Green Party Meeting

7.00pm Thursday 25th September 2012 at the
The Railway PH at the bottom of Station Hill (upstairs meeting room).

ALL WELCOME (Especially new members!)


  1. Welcome and Introductions
  2. Apologies for Absence
  3. Minutes and matters arising
  4. Officers’ reports
  5. Councillor feedback
  6. Campaigns update – Fracking / 20’s Plenty
  7. Wales Green Party AGM
  8. Developments in Swansea GP
  9. AOB
  10. DoNM

NOTE – Venue is 1 minute’s walk from both the Bus and Train stations in Bridgend.

REMINDER – If anyone needs a lift to any of our meetings, let Andy know and we will organise it for you.

Stop the Abolition of Disability Living Allowance for Personal Independence Payments – HM Govt. E-petition

Responsible department: Department for Work and Pensions

The government intends to abolish Disability Living Allowance and replace it with Personal Independence Payments. We feel the government is doing this because it is clear by awarding the contract to assess Personal Independence Payments to ATOS, it is a means to make savage cuts welfare to the most vulnerable in society. We believe peoples lives will be lost as a result of the scrapping of DLA for Personal Independence Payments assessed by ATOS.

Sign this petition

05/09/2013 14:42

Shot for speaking out – Amnesty International seek our support for action

Amnesty International UK Home
Amnesty International UK
Last week, 14-year-old Malala Yousufzai caught the bus to school as usual
Malala Yousufzai
What happened next has shocked the world. Taliban fighters opened fire on the unarmed schoolgirl, shooting her in the head all because she had dared to campaign for girls rights to an education.She’s not the first activist to be targeted in north-west Pakistan and she wont be the last. Unless the authorities do more to protect her and others like her.
Take Action
Dear Andy,On Tuesday 9 October, Malala Yousufzai boarded her bus to school in Swat Valley, north-west Pakistan. Shortly afterwards Taliban fighters opened fire, leaving her two friends – Shazia Ramzan and Kainat Ahmed – injured and Malala fighting for her life. Take action: protect human rights defenders

Malala has since been airlifted to a Birmingham hospital. As we await news of her recovery, we have been collecting your beautiful, heartfelt messages of support for the girl you call an inspiration to all of us, a heroine in our house and a beautiful star may you continue to shine brightly – which we plan to pass on to her family soon.

We are in awe of Malala and her great courage in speaking out. Northwest Pakistan is a very dangerous place to speak up for human rights, particularly if youre a woman. In the past year alone, two activists who campaigned for girls education Farida Afridi and Zarteef Afridi – have been killed in a wave of targeted attacks by the Taliban and other groups.

No more attacks on activists call on the Pakistan authorities to support human rights defenders

The Taliban left us in no doubt that they intended to kill Malala, saying: She is a Western-minded girl. She always speaks against us. We will target anyone who speaks against the Taliban.

Chillingly, they added that if she returns home she will not be spared, and reiterated their intention to attack her friends, family, classmates and other activists.

So please, for Malala and all the other Malalas present and future who must not be scared into silence by the likes of the Taliban, call on the Pakistan authorities to protect human rights activists

Thank you,Bethan Cansfield signature

Bethan Cansfield
Women’s Human Rights Campaigner

Take Action
Copyright © Amnesty international, UK 2012. Registered in England no 01735872, registered office. Amnesty International UK is a company limited by guarantee. Amnesty International UK Section Charitable Trust number 1051681.


Jill Stein Arrested: Green Party Candidate Handcuffed Before Debate

Arrested and handcuffed to a metal chair for 8 hours, for ‘blocking the traffic’ – Greens around the world are up against it!!

Huffington Post coverage:

Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein was arrested outside of Hofstra University on Tuesday after she attempted to enter the debate grounds.
According to Stein’s campaign press statement, Stein and running mate Cheri Honkala joined supporters outside the Hofstra campus at 2 p.m., where Stein declared: “We are here to bring the courage of those excluded from our politics to this mock debate, this mockery of democracy.” When they started to walk onto the debate grounds, they were stopped by police officers, and then the two women sat down on the ground.

Student-run news organization Long Island Report posted a video of Stein and Honkala sitting, with an officer arguing, “You’re blocking traffic.” After Honkala stated, “We want to practice our first amendment rights,” the police can been seen removing the women from the ground and leading them away.

According to the campaign, Stein and Honkala were then arrested. Press contact Glenn Turner confirmed to HuffPost that Stein was arrested and as of early Tuesday evening was still in jail, charged with disorderly conduct.

Earlier in the day, Stein told Philadelphia Weekly that despite some butterflies in the stomach, “We are prepared to be arrested in the service of democracy and a future that serves us all.

Stein advocates have been upset over her exclusion from the main debates. According to Politico, “The bipartisan Commission on Presidential Debates stipulates that a candidate must garner at least 15 percent in national polls in order to participate.”

Stein’s supporters have expressed disillusionment with mainstream candidates, while many environmentalists have grown frustrated over the “climate silence” permeating much of the campaign season.

As HuffPost blogger Carl Gibson wrote:

Jill Stein is a candidate that the other 90 million of us can get excited about. Picture the populist candidate Barack Obama once was in 2008, minus the financial support from Wall Street banks and oil companies, and the fawning coverage from mainstream media outlets. In her Green New Deal, she’s vowing to end drone strikes, tightly regulate Wall Street, halt all government-funded construction of fossil fuel-dependent projects, and end all foreign wars and occupations.

According to the campaign, Stein is expected to be listed on 85% of the ballots, and is planning to participate in an upcoming debate with Libertarian Party presidential candidate Gary Johnson.